Heya, people! Well, it's almost two months since I've been here. And to be very transparent, I don't like it here. Why? Well, the people are cool, but the hostel is quite a suckage. I have to share the room with my other 3 room mates. Yes, of course we would said we don't mind at all. But, still, it is not that comfortable. Imagine this. The room can only fit two people. Snuggly. Comfortably. Yeah! But, the room where I lived in for the past 2 months and will be living there for the next 10 weeks maybe, it's tinned up. We are like sardines there. The room is too small! TOO SMALL! Geddit? Geddit? Aww, forget it!
#To-be-note: I know you might say, be grateful. Yeah, I am being grateful. But, if and only if the superior could give a better accommodation. I would appreciate that with my heart and soul. *Yeah! I know, I am the 21st century of Shakespeare in the female version whom has straight sexual orientation, FULLSTOP!
And, then, tomorrow, is the day I have been waiting for the past 7 weeks! School project in SK Lendu. Goshh. I am scared. Hella scared. I hope that the programme would run smoothly. Amin!!!
The people who contribute their blood, sweats and tears to make sure everything runs smoothly. *Well, at least some of them are here. The rest, err, sleeping, maybe.
Another shot! Say cheese :D
Aww, I miss this! BIG time. I miss them. And I miss Syafiqah Azmi who's willing to snap every picture of mine. Thanks buddy! ^^
Meet my friend, Amir.
This is Syafiqah. The one who kept saying, "Okay, Aina! Smile (:"
LOL. I think I look kinda cute *perasan-minta-penampar-laju-laju!*
Half of my classmates back then when I was in Form Five
#To-be-note: I know you might say, be grateful. Yeah, I am being grateful. But, if and only if the superior could give a better accommodation. I would appreciate that with my heart and soul. *Yeah! I know, I am the 21st century of Shakespeare in the female version whom has straight sexual orientation, FULLSTOP!
And, then, tomorrow, is the day I have been waiting for the past 7 weeks! School project in SK Lendu. Goshh. I am scared. Hella scared. I hope that the programme would run smoothly. Amin!!!
The farthest thing you will never get is the past. So, cherish the moment all the way!