Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Life at the moment

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Gracious.

It's been a long time since I last ranted here. Dear beloved blog, you are figuratively left alone and need I to say I am very very sorry for that. Well, my life doesn't really go around posting things on blog cause I am one busy woman. Lol. Not. Okay a wee bit busy. But here I am now. 'Now' is what matters most.

Kay, this week, it was pretty hectic. So did the last few weeks. I have been searching myself. Somehow I felt like I lost myself in the search of path towards Allah's love. That is scary. Goosebumps. Imagine, you are no longer under blessings of Allah *shivers*

1. I have been taking care of my granny since last Saturday. To tell you the truth *if there is anyone reading this* I am not much of a fan of taking care of really old people. I am easily irritated and annoyed by her silly mumblings and stuffs. But as time goes by, I am getting better at taking care of her though I know my mom can take care of her. I bath her every morning at exactly 7 in the morning, then help her to take her ablution, prepare her for Fajr prayer and then take her to the dining table for breakfast. After that, she'd either watch television or have her very long nap. That shall depends on whether she sleeps or not the night before. My sister helps a lot too. And she has greater patience than I do lol. And the rest is history.

2. I've got few lesson from taking care of her. I somehow lost in space for a moment there. I didn't understand why do I have to perform 5 times prayers everyday, why do I have to read the Quran everyday and stuffs. And today I got the answer. And it was very sudden and very eye-opening. For a sec, I was in shock. It's like a meant-to-be kind of thing. Allah knows I am stressing out and He sent my uncle to explain indirectly to me.

3. So here's what happened. I was sleeping this afternoon. It was 1730. I just woke up and I heard my uncle was talking to my granny. And he mentioned about the talk he attended earlier. It was very interesting and he asked my sister and I whether we heard the talk. And my sister said we didn't. Because we were busy... sleeping? Lol. He said to my granny that the ustaz said that it is very important for the youngsters to collect and do as much deeds as they can while they still can. When I say youngster, I meant youngsters as in people who are capable of doing physical activities, who are still strong at hearts and minds, can remember how to prayer and can read Quran and others, oh you got the idea aite? My uncle also said that once you are old and forget things, there's nothing you could do if you can't pray or can't remember how to pray. But all those deeds you do will topup all the lacking-in-ibadah when you are older and no longer capable of doing what is supposed to be done.

4. Light bulb. What if I get older but I am not well prepared enough and ended up dead and tortured by Munkar and Nakir (the Angel of Death)? What if I am pushed into the hellfire instead of going to stairway to heaven? Whoah, those are scary thoughts.

5. So, yeah! Those are the things that I learned so far. And some minor thing happened this week and I am not liking it at all. My friend decided to go all haywire and airhead by confessing to me his feelings *shivers* *goosebumps*

See ya next time insyaallah. Barakallahu feek. May Allah bless!


Friday, 18 January 2013

Jolly Holiday


In the name of Allah the Most Merciful and Most Gracious.

Heck yeah I just finished my exam! Weeeeeeeehuuuuuu I am partly happy. Well, because I have finished my final exam for the first semester. Other reasons are because the questions for Writing About Literature are somehow a wee bit less complicated than I thought (?) and I met my long-time, best friend at that very same day.

It was freakin amazing. Not in a mushy, corny, overrated, oh-my-god-I-miss-you-you-look-handsome-now way. But in a very airheaded, crazy and excited way. Yep, I thought I was 10 at that time. It's like, things went back the way they used to be when I was in Standard 4. That was the last year I actually really spent with friends there. Hmm, back to this friend of mine who came to visit me from UTP. 

Well, I have known him since I was in Standard One. His mother taught us. He used to have this botak haircut and he used to be one of school's prefect. I know, major dork alert. Lol. But, he's very nice. Lol until today he still is nice. I managed to sense that though we have grown up, there are still some traits in him that will remain for the rest of his life. He still play with his left sideburns when he talks, he holds the end of the tip of the pen when he's writing, he still say "dua belas" like he used to pronounce that, he still is the old firdaus. My old, best friend, firdaus. 

We talked about lotsa things that day. We share few common things. I like taking pictures and he does too, we like spending our time in an arcade rather than window shopping, we skate instead of feasting our eyes with fancy blouses and shoes, we walked into camera shops and games booth rather than clothes boutiques. All in all, it was fun. It was very my kind of day-out. 

He also ranted about how his life was when he was in mrsm. He used to have a crush on this girl and he almost started smoking because of that girl. Thank goodness something happened and he ended up not smoking. If he did, I'll be the first one to smack his head real hard. He also mentioned he still has a fling with our friend from primary school, Ila. Well, Ila is our best friend. I literally grew up together with her. And I know, if they are together, both of them are in good hands. But instead of being all lovey dovey, I'd love to see them get married to each other someday and have beautiful and slightly short children. Lol. 

Ahhhh, I can't wait to meet others.

Oh, he also said that he was excited when we met. And I am happy for that. At least I know someone is appreciating my very presence and excited when I am there and I hope he's gonna cry and pray for me if I am dead some day.