Sunday, 12 August 2012

Tak Kenal Maka Tak Cinta?

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

Allow me to blog in malay. Thank you.

Akhir akhir rasanya macam banyak benda yang perlu disyukurkan. Nikmat terlampau banyak. Benda benda kecik yang dulunya paling menyampah sekarang buat diri jadi lebih baik sikit. Banyak sebenarnya benda yang dulu kecik-kecik kena buat, tapi rasa nak rebel je. Tapi, bila dah besar, dan fikirkan balik, oh, ada hikmah rupanya.


1. Dulu kecik-kecik start dari darjah 1 kena solat maghrib dengan isyak dalam bilik mak kena baca kuat kuat. Kalau mak tak dengar kena ulang balik dari awal. Doa iftitah, angkat takbir, duduk antara dua sujud, doa qunut, semua kena. Lepas tu mak tasmi' bacaan doa qunut. Salah baca, ulang balik. Baca balik dari awal sampai hafal. Lepas tu muqaddam baca la malam malam lepas maghrib. Dah habis muqaddam sambung baca quran. Habis tak boleh tengok cerita pokemon pukul 9 kat ntv7. Darjah 2 mak kata pergi sekolah kena pakai tudung. Tapi rasa rimas je, malas nak pakai. Masa darjah 1 tak pergi sekolah agama petang, lepas tu aku tak reti tulis jawi. Masa agama, masa paling azab sebab kena tulis jawi. Lepas tu ustazah rohani suruh cakap kat mak suruh daftarkan aku kat sekolah agama. Lepas tu start la hidup kelam kabut. Pagi sekolah kebangsaan, petang sekolah agama. Penat tak payah cakap. Lepas tu bas dah la tak suka hantar awal awal. 7.20 malam baru jejak rumah.

2. Dan bila benda benda ni difikrkan balik waktu aku dah berumur 19 tahun, terasa macam semua yang kena buat tu bagus untuk aku. Contohlah, pasal solat tu. Aku tengah membayangkan macam mana kalau mak ayah tak paksa solat, baca kuat kuat, hafal doa iftitah, hafal doa qunut semua tu. Agaknya manusia macam mana aku harini, solat pun pincang? Entah jadi manusia ke apa, tak tau lah.

3. Lepas tu pasal baca quran tu. Orang kata kalau nak bagi lidah ni tak keras baca quran, kena train dari kecil. Kalaulah aku tak diajar baca quran dari kecil, entah entah sekarang lidah aku kena strok. Keras. Susah nak baca quran. Tajwid pun ntah macam apa nanti. Nauzubillah. Biarlah terlepas pokemon kat ntv7 tu pun. Last last memang tau Ash tu lawan dengan siapa pun, dia akan menang. Sebab ada pikachu.  Cliche.

4. Kalau tak pergi sekolah agama tu, haih, sampai sekarang lah aku tak boleh baca jawi, tak boleh tulis jawi. Alhamdulillah. Walaupun awal awal kena paksa, tapi hasilnya, fuh, memuaskan! Bagus jugak sebenarnya mak suruh start pakai tudung awal awal. Macam ada kawan aku darjah 6, darjah 5 baru pakai. Itu pun waktu pergi sekolah, kira tak berterusan macam tu la. Aku pun bukan berterusan sangat awal awal. Lama jugak rasanya baru pakai tudung bila keluar rumah atau ajnabi ada kat rumah. Form 3 bantai lagi keluar rumah ambik serai tak pakai tudung. Haha, mak selalu tanya dah kebal sangat ke tak pakai tudung keluar rumah tu.

5. Lesson learned: Banyak benda yang kena dipaksa sebelum jadi darah daging. Cuba bayangkan apa akan jadi kalau benda benda baik yang parents kita suruh buat masa kecik, tapi kita tak buat. Apa agaknya jadi dengan kita in the future? Suka nak share ayat ni. Baqarah: 216 "Tetapi boleh jadi kamu tidak menyenangi sesuatu padahal itu baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal itu tidak baik bagimu. Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui."

6. Jadi, pokemon, atau muqaddam? May Allah bless. Assalamualaikum.

Friday, 10 August 2012

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

1. As always, I scrolled down the news feed of my facebook and a friend of mine said she's going to medicine in Indonesia for 3 years and in UKM for 3 years. And insyaallah she will fly there at the end of this ramadhan. She has always dreamed of that. She has always wanted to be a doctor. That was her mother's dream too. She happened to be a very intelligent student, wait, she still is. She was quite frustrated when the UPU result was out last July. But then, she said she accepted it whole-heartedly. Subhanallah. She has been very determined and she never stops praying to Allah. And last week, she got the good news. Alhamdulillah. I am so proud of her. And I am grateful for her. Alhamdulillah. Allah listens to her prayer and saves it for the best. She asked Him to pursue her studies in medic and He tests her with the UPU result. But then, she got what she had always wanted. Alhamdulillah.

2. This got me thinking. She has got what she has always dreamed since forever because of all the efforts she made, for all the du'a she prayed. And I was wondering why is it I don't always get what I planned. And I think I have got the answer. It might be because I was not working hard enough even though I made du'a, lotsa em. Or maybe because I don't really think I would get what I want. Nauzubillahiminzalik.

3. Lesson learned: Have faith in Allah. Believe that one day, sooner or later that my prayers will be answered insyaallah. And work harder. Extra extra harder!

May Allah bless!

Monday, 6 August 2012

Past-Midnight Thoughts.

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

It's the middle of the past-midnight and I still haven't slept. And in my mind, there are literally lotsa random thoughts about my life and what I've gone through so far. And, they do have something to do with the environment I am in. The friends, the family and stuffs.

1. My friend had just popped the best news. He said he got the placement and it is at his dream place since forever which is Ireland. He has always wanna go and study medicine there. I hope he will do well there, insyaallah. Though IB hasn't finished yet, I know he will do well, insyaallah. he has always been so hardworking and he knows what he want in his life.

2. This got me thinking. If he can get what he want, so do I. I can get what I want. As long as I work hard, play hard, pray hard, I will get what I have dreamed of since I was little. Insyaallah. And, this friend of mine, he always knows what to do with his life. He even made a plan for himself, and stuff. But I just wait. Because every plan I made, they all just went down the bin. Not many of them worked as much as I planned. So, now, I have to be a realist and start planning for my future according to my abilities and my achievements. I should stop goofing around and daydreaming and start working. Seriously working in pursuing the ladders to my dreams.

3. Smoking is an ailment to stress? *facepalm* I don't know whether this anonymous is just being plain stupid or being honest. For Allah's sake, how come smoking distress you? How come? I feel like putting the Jackie Chan's meme here. Just to make things clear, there are lotsa stuff to distress yourself and smoking is definitely out. Don't be such a goof. You are a muslim, pray to Allah. Ask for strength. Don't act like you are all rich and got your own money and spend em on cartons and cartons of cigarettes. Think la bro, you are burning the money just like that. Imagine the exhaustion and tiredness to get the money.

4. Smoking is definitely not my thing. Dear future husband, please don't be an active smoker. One is enough in my family. I don't want my future kids to be fatherless, and I don't want to be a future single mom. So, future husband, heads up!

5. I think I critic too much. I should just shut up, sit back and watch all the dramas while eating popcors. Hey, or maybe muching chicken fingers. Lol, nights!

May Allah bless and assalamualaikum.

Peace and out, earthlings which consists of brainiacs, planners, non-smokers, active smokers, passive smokers, smoker-haters and random citizens.

Friday, 3 August 2012

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

This weirdo wants to share something about herself. 

1. I am an attention-seeker. But not in a bad way. Or so I thought. I said so because I like talking in front of crowds. I like people listen to what I am saying. And when I do presentations for assignments, I love to elaborate the points spontaneously and my notes only consist of words. There are no sentence. So, yeah, I am an attention seeker.

2. And eager questioner? 100% positive. Yes, I like asking questions. I dunno whether it's the curiosity that triggers me to ask, or I am just analytical. I just want to know more about things. Or maybe both. Lol. But sometimes, it's a little bit depressing because I know how much this trait annoy the hell out of people. You know, sometimes the questions I ask sound silly and stupid. Or maybe people just don't like to be asked, or in my case, interrogated. But.. Oh, you get the point, right?

3. Behind the stainless steel external hides a handle-with care soul? Uh-huh. Sometimes. That shall depends. I can bear jokes, and some sarcasms. But if it's too much, I would just be the most girlish girl in this world that people have ever met. Lol, that sounds very hyperbolic on so many levels, but yeah. 

4. Have difficulties in differentiating jokes to sarcasm. Sometimes, I thought my friends are just making fun outta me, or they are just joking. But I thought they are being sarcastic and satiric. Or vice versa. Truth is, I don't get sarcasm. So, you should talk to me in a point-blank manner. Straight-forward. No layers. No sarcasm. Deal? 

5. When I typed LOL, I would smile a little and then my face just become poker face. I dunno why. Is it too weird? Oh who am I kidding. 

Missing the classmates (:
"Memories don't fade away. But people die, every day!"

Get this lotsa time. But still, why am I not immune to this question yet??

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Ramadhan's Resolutions

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.

Ramadhan kali ni aku ada beberapa resolusi yang kalau boleh aku nak capai at the end of this ramadhan. Tapi nampak gaya macam everything's going down the drain. Yang maih istiqamah cuma dua benda je. Allah hai.. Susah istiqamah ni.

Istiqamah memang susah sebab nak dapat syurga bukan senang. Kan? Syurga tu semua orang nak, tapi, bukan semua orang dapat. Mujahadah itu pahit, kerana syurga itu manis. Kan kan? Tapi... Kenapa susah sangat nak kekalkan amalan yang buat tu? Entahlah..

Moga Allah kuatkan iman dan nafsu mutmainnah kita, insyaallah!
Ramadhan ke-13 :')