Monday, 31 October 2011


In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate.
Hi. Change. How do you actually define that? Change, hijrah, berubah. From bad to good things. That's how I define the word change.

I think it is almost six months since I started to change. Not to brag or anything. But, I want to tell you, yes, it is not as easy as that to change and to make people accept that you have changed. Yes, it is definitely not that easy. And, you could change because of anything. Anything. Thank Allah, I got His guidance through reading.

Source from Facebook

See, this post of some anonymous sums it well. 

Thursday, 27 October 2011

It Won't Fade Away, Insyaallah

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate.

I actually have a large groups of friends. Because I moved a lot. Until now, still. Well, at least I consider them as my friends. Well, the most dominant part of moving here and there is when we, my family and I settled in Permas Jaya, Johor Bahru for about 4 years average. This is the story of me, living there. Enjoy. Alert that, I am going to use both Malay and English. Thank you for reading.

Hari pertama aku daftar di Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Permas Jaya 2. Aku pergi dengan ayah aku. Pakai stokin yang bukan sepasang, makan Koko Krunch dengan susu sebelum pergi sekolah untuk daftar. Aku dengan rambut pendek, bulat dan berminyak rambut aku. Pakai baju kurung putih, kasut Kung Fu Bata. Mata aku bengkak sebelah. Entah, barangkali mata yang kurang sempurna ini fototropisma. Aku kurang pasti. Merah dan bengkak. Ah, persetankan semua itu. Haha. Kali pertama melangkah di sekolah itu, aku lihat ada seorang budak perempuan yang comel memakai pinafore biru gelap. Menyanyikan lagu Negaraku sambil menggunakan tiang bendera sebagai tempat untuk dia membuat pusingan. Haha. Kelakar. Comel betul budak ni. Rambut separas bawah telinga, putih melepak. Pipinya merah bila panas dan malu. Ah, aku cemburu melihat kecomelannya. Setelah beberapa hari, baru aku tahu, namanya, Nur Nazlin Damanhuri.

Setiap kali namanya dieja dan ditulis di atas kertas, dia pasti menggaru garu hidungnya dan menyuruh aku menyebut nama ayahnya dengan betul. Kelakar. Aku ingat aku seorang saja yang mempunyai tabiat sebegitu. Nazlin aku kira kawan dan teman yang baik. Kami selalu berkongsi makanan, berlari di dataran. Selalunya aku yang jatuh, lutut aku akan luka dan berdarah. Kain aku sudah pasti carik dan berlubang. Haha. Kelakar. Nazlin dilantik jadi Pengawas ketika Darjah 2, sama-sama denganku. Kami menjadi kawan sehingga Darjah 4, bersama-sama Haziq.

Nazlin ini garang orangnya, apa yang dikatakannya semua benar meskipun pahit. Dia ini si gila makan. Haha. Sanggup buat apa sahaja untuk dapatkan duit untuk beli makanan. Ada sekali itu, Ustazah suruh kami hafal Surah al-Asr sekali dengan maksudnya. Siapa dapat, RM1 pun dapat. Dan Nazlin dapat RM1 itu. Haha. Kelakar. Kami selalu makan bubur panas, letak sambal kicap dan makan di pondok di hadapn sekolah agama. Oh, rindunya masa tu.

Haziq. Kawan yang baik. Dan bergaya. Haha. Aku suka kawan dengan dia, banyak tolong aku. Sangat tak sukakan kelas PE. Orang pertama yang dapat A dalam Sains waktu Darjah 4 dengan Ila. Aku cemburu. Firdaus. Kau buat aku tergelak setiap kali sebut nama kau. Ingat lagi waktu Darjah 4, pertama kali Math ada 2 kertas. Kau selalu dapat Math paling tinggi. Dan, aku mesti cakap kau terrer. Tapi lepas tu, kau mesti geleng kepala botak kau sambil cakap, "Isy, tak adalah. Biasa je pun." Lepas tu aku ketuk kepala kau sebab kau cakap macam tu. Mangkuk. Kalau dah full mark, apa bendanya yang tak terrer lagi. Tapi, aku suka lah kawan dengan kau, sebab aku boleh buli kau. Haha.

Amirul Arif, haha. Aku jahat gila dengan kau kan? Kau siap pernah kena penangan duster besi kena straight kat mulut kau. Berdarah, bengkak gila. Dah lah bibir kau tu dah merah kan, lepas tu kena duster lagi. Aku rasa, masa tu Cikgu Ramli suruh kita tulis something kat blackboard. Kau pergi ambil 3/4 dari board tu. Aku padam garisan pembahagi yang kau buat tu. Lepas tu kau buat balik. Last last, kau terpaksa makan duster. Sorry, hihi. Kau bengang gila dengan aku lepas tu kan? Haha. Sorry! Ila, aku dah cakap pasal kau kan kat post yang before. So, dah takde kot yang aku nak cakap lagi. Hihi.

Arini, hoho. Budak pandai ni. Baru masuk waktu Darjah 3. Aku cemburu dengan dia ni. Pandai sangat. Haha. Ingat lagi, dia kalau buat kerja kat sekolah, lepas tu padam balik, buat kat rumah. Esok baru tunjuk kat cikgu. Lepas tu kena puji. Oh, cemburu! Jadi, aku cuba lawan dia. Hihi. Kira macam sumber inspirasi untuk jadi lebih baik.

Banyak lagi kenangan kat sini. Aku ingat lagi aku pernah duduk sebelah Alif Haiqal. Bila orang tanya aku suka siapa. Aku cakap aku suka Alif Haiqal. Haha. Alif selalu bawa bekal sedap sedap, tapi taknak share dengan orang. Selalu duduk dengan Rashid. Rashid bawa bekal nasi dengan hati ayam goreng. Rashid ni sabar sangat dengan Alif. Walaupun dah banyak kali kena gigit, kena pukul dengan Aliff, tapi diam je. Haisyy, tabah betul. Haha. Aku ingat lagi pergi sekolah agama naik van Cik Zura dengan Atul dan Izat. Haha.

Aku ingat kena berdiri kat dataran sebab menjerit dalam kelas, gaduh dengan budak-budak menari. Aina, Ila, Atul, Fatin, Atiqah. Haha. Kelakar. Aku ingat lagi aku baling beg Azim masuk kolam ikan. Sebab cari pasal dengan aku. Lepas tu, dia marah. Nafas keluar masuk bunyi kuat gila. Haha. Lepas tu duduk atas kerusi, longgarkan tali leher. Memang muka serius bengang la. Lepas tu Ustazah Mastura tanya kenapa bising bising. Mata kau dah berair time tu, Azim, cakap aku baling  beg kau masuk kolam ikan. Ustazah suruh aku ambil. Haha, bila aku angkat, beg tu bau hanyir ikan. Sorry, Azim.

Aku ingat lagi aku pernah kena panggil pergi bilik Guru Besar sebab ejek Thiru. Aku panggil dia Thiru kuat meniru. Haha. Dia pergi megadu kat Guru Besar. Deng! Lepas tu kena salam tangan, minta maaf. Double deng! Haha. Tahun depannya, aku kena lucut jawatan jadi pengawas. Tapi nasib baik la, sebab lepas tua aku pindah, jadi tak adalah malu sangat. Haha.

Banyak lagi kenangan, tapi ini antaranya yang aku ingat. Dan aku akan ingat sampai bila-bila. Terlampau banyak nama untuk disebut. Maaf sesiapa yang tak disebut.

The end.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

World Colliding

Dear Mango,
I am  sorry to tell you this. I want you to be hurt when I tell you this. I do not like you. I never encounter this kind of relationship with any girl before. I don't do relationship. It's all awkward and I don't like having it. I do not like you the way you fancies me. I am sorry. Please note this. And, don't ask your friend, Fir to help you hook up with me. Negative. I won't buy it.

Please forget about me,

Dear Coco,
First, I am not saying about having any relationship, you jerk! And second, I don't ask Fir's help to hook up with you. 


Tuesday, 25 October 2011

This Is For You, Gundut

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate.

I would like to dedicate this post to one of my best friends because she is so eager to read about her in my blog. Haha. Takpe, Bira. Aku tak kisah. Haha.

Nurulkhabira Omar,
Hari pertama aku masuk sekolah di T6, kau dah buat aku menyirap. Haha. ku baru pindah dari Negeri Sembilan. Bila aku tengok SMKBT6 ni, huyoo, besarnya! Waktu aku sampai di Dataran Ilmu, kelas 2A dan 2B tengah main bola jaring. Lepas masuk kelas, waktu tu waktu Seni ke, Matematik. Kau suka sangat melukis. Padahal tak ada lah lawa sangat pun. Aku jujur ni, Bira. Maaf kalau terasa. Hihi. Sikit sikit, pusing belakang, tanya kat Amira Izzaty, "Lawa tak lukisan kite?". Si Amira Izzaty pun mengangguk je. Haha. Lepas tu, aku cakap, "Kau ni bising lah." Kau pun menyengih je kan macam kerang busuk. Haha. Tapi lepas tu kita kawan.

Acap selalu ajak buat study group petang petang. Hanis, Acap, CF, aku. Aku pun selalu ajak kau. Tapi kau sekolah agama, Darjah 6. Jadi, kau selalu jarang datang. Kau datang pun, masa tu kau ada latihan kawad KRS. Hahaha. Cakap pasal KRS, aku selalu cakap dengan kau kan betapa tak sukanya aku pada KRS sebab budak-budaknya. Haha. Kau gelak je bila aku cakap. Tapi aku rasa, kau mesti menyirap dengan aku sebab aku asyik kutuk KRS je. Macam lah PBSM tu bagus sangat. Haha. Kau jadi komander KRS dari Form 4 sampai Form 5. Bangga aku dapat kawan macam kau. Usaha kau akhirnya berhasil. Kau dapat Anugerah Komander Terbaik waktu Form 5. Tahniah, Gundut! Kau selalu menangis sebab kawad. Budak budak kawad kau selalu main-main. Jadinya, aku lah yang kena tolong pujuk kau. Lepas tu, tolong marahkan budak-budak tu untuk senangkan hati kau. Nak pujuk kau senang je, biarkan kau menangis sampai kau puas. Haha. Kau pun cakap, jangan pujuk bila kau menangis, nanti lagi kuat.

Ingat tak waktu Form 2? Aku kurang ajar dengan Cikgu Osman tu. Kau ingat tak aku terangkan kat kau. Aku sebenarnya tak berniat pun nak cakap kuat-kuat. Aku pun tak sedar aku tercakap kuat. Kau dengan Hanis je yang tau. Yang lain, semua tak tau. Semua ingat aku ni kurang ajar, tak makan saman. Tapi, kau dengan Hanis tak. Aku sayang kau dan Hanis. Hihi. Lepas tu, akhir tahun, aku gaduh besar. Tak ada seorang pun tolong aku. Kau pun gelakkan aku. Itulah kali pertama aku kecewa dengan kau. Tapi tak apa, benda dah lepas. Semua ada hikmah.

Waktu Form 3, lagilah aku bertambah rajin pergi rumah kau. Kita pergi Easymath sama-sama. Kenal budak budak kat Easymath tu. Kau banyak tolong ajarkan aku sebab aku lembab, jadi aku suka tanya soalan bodoh. Bila kau terangkan, muka aku mendung, tak faham apa yang kau nak ajarkan. Kau, Arif, Amir, Mas semua gelakkan aku. Haha. Ingat lagi, kita tidur sekatil sebab aku takut tidur sorang sorang. Haha.

Lepas tu kali kedua kita pergi Easymath sama-sama, kau kena duduk luar bilik. Sebab masa tu, kau pergi bilik Thaqiiyah. Aku ingat kau tidur sana. Jadi, aku kunci bilik, aku tidur. Kau terpaksa tidur luar untuk 3 jam. Kesian kau! Maaf, Bira. Tak sengaja. Hihi

Waktu Form 5, kau dah ada geng sendiri, tapi kau tetap tak lupakan aku. Tapi itulah kali pertama kita gaduh, sebab si Jongos tu. Benci aku sebab kita bergaduh pasal dia. Kau pun semakin rapat dengan Thaqiiyah. Aku cemburu. Tapi, aku diamkan. Tak apa. Aku tak kisah. Kau faham banyak sangat pasal aku kan? Kau siap pernah suka sepupu aku lagi kan? Haha. Tak apa. Aku faham.

Kau, Hanis, Megala, Sharina, antara benda yang paling baik yang Allah bagi aku. Aku bersyukur dapat kawan kawan yang baik. Walaupun kita pernah gaduh sekali, tapi itu jadi pengajaran untuk aku. Bila sekali bergaduh, sampai bila pun pahitnya terasa. Dan aku bersyukur kau maafkan aku. Tambah pula, aku suka pergi rumah kau. Aku siap kenal semua anak sedara kau kan? Haha. Aku rindukan kau, Si Gundut.

Terima kasih sebab sudi jadi kawan aku selama ni. Arigato gozaimas. Kamsahamnida. Ini, untuk kau!

Gambar gila kita berdua <3

This Is For You, Kawan!

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate.

I would like to dedicate this post to my friend and my classmate, Aiman Azami. This is for you, Eman!

Waktu first week masuk kelas, aku tak pernah pun tegur kau kan? Kau duduk sebelah Fuad, sebaris dengan Kimi. Kalau kelas kat Y103, kau mesti duduk paling depan sekali. Tapi bila kat BB05, kau duduk satu row belakang aku. Dengan Fuad and Kimi juga. Haih, memang dah tak boleh duduk dengan orang lain dah rasanya. Haha. Aku tak tau macam mana tiba-tiba kita boleh rapat.

Lepas dah lama duduk sini, kita mungkin makin rapat waktu dan selepas school project kat SK Lendu. Acap cakap kau stres. Aku ni, biasalah, si penyibuk, mesti nak tau. Haha. Aku pun tanya kat kau kenapa stres. Tapi msa tu kau tak jawap pun. Kau kata ada masalah sikit. Aku pun, tak apalah. Mungkin kau segan nak cakap dengan aku. Atau mungkin, waktu tu kau boleh uruskan lagi rasa stres tu. 

Tapi satu hari tu,
Kau tiba tiba Hi aku di Facebook. Chatting. Kau cerita masalah kau, dan aku pun jadilah kaunselor tak bertauliah. Aku faham apa kau rasa Aiman. Kau rasa sekejap je. Aku rasa benda yang sama 11 tahun. Kena lagi teruk dari yang kau kena. Siap menangis nangis lagi aku masa tu. Pertama kali aku masuk kelas TMS awal gila. Aku orang kedua sampai. Kau pertama. Lepas tu, kau tiba-tiba berborak dengan aku. We actually talked. Haha. Tapi tak lama pun. Sebab lepas tu, orang lain masuk.

Kau selalu dengar masalah aku, aku selalu dengar masalah kau. Kira kau macam crying shoulder untuk aku, literally. Dan aku crying shoulder untuk kau. Most of the time, yes. Kau selalu tanya pendapat aku walaupun aku ni memang tak berapa nak tahu sangat pun pasal benda tu. Tapi, terima kasih, Aiman. Aku rasa dihargai. Aku rasa macam ada orang yang perlukan aku. Ada orang yang peduli bila aku nak bercakap. Ada orang yang iyakan apa yang cakap dan betulkan bila aku salah.

Kau dah 18 sekarang. Kau dah besar. Kau dah dewasa. Insyaallah, kau dah boleh berfikir secara lebih matang, ambil tindakan yang lebih matang. Lebih matang dalam mengawal stres. Aku doakan, kau berjaya dunia dan akhirat, Allah bagi kau rezeki yang melimpah ruah, keputusan yang cemerlang, isteri yang solehah, anak-anak yang soleh dan solehah dan comel-comel. Insyaallah (:

Happy belated birthday, Aiman. Maaf lambat, aku fikirkan apa yang aku nak coretkan pasal kau. (:

This is for you!
Mohamed Aiman bin Mohamed Azami

This Is For You, Kiddo

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate

I would like to dedicate this to my friend, my sister, my other family member even though she is not my own flesh blood. This is for you, man.

Ingat lagi waktu kita 6 tahun? Kita Tabika Kemas sama-sama. Haha. Kita menari waktu semua budak 6 tahun dapat sijil. Pakai baju melayu warna maroon. Kita selalu gaduh. Kan? Sampai kau tak nak bagi aku tumpang kereta kau. Last last aku balik jalan kaki. Tapi sekerat jalan je, sebab lepas tu ayah aku datang ambil. Kita selalu berebut Ridzuan. Haha. Kelakar time tu. Tapi, even kita selalu gaduh, kau selalu ajak aku pergi rumah kau, main sama-sama. Aku siap kena rotan lagi dengan ayah aku sebab pergi rumah kau tengahari buta. Haha. Kita main lompat lompat atas sofa rumah kau. Kau kuat nangis time tabika, kau geli nak pegang ikan. Emak kau selalu ikat tocang. Aku cemburu, sebab aku tak ada rambut panjang dan muka comel macam kau. Setiap hari aku pergi sekolah, rambut aku sama je. Belah tepi, boy haircut. Tapi rambut kau lawa. Siap ada reben merah lagi.

Lepas tu, kita dah tak jumpa. Aku pindah Johor. Tinggalkan kau.

Kita jumpa balik waktu Darjah 3. Aku ingat lagi, hari pertama kau masuk, aku bawa kau pergi kantin. Aku belikan kau bubur. Aku kata, "Nak kicap?" Kau kata okey. Tapi rupa rupanya kau tak suka kicap. Kau cakap tak sedap, lepas tu kau buang bubur tu, kau makan sikit je. Sayang. Kau jadi budak baru sehari je. Esoknya semua nak kawan dengan kau, sebab kau comel. Kau ada lesung pipit sepasang. Lesung pipit londeh kau cakap. Haha. Firdaus, anak Cikgu Faridah pun suka kat kau.

Darjah 4, Arini dan Haziq pula masuk. Arini budak pandai, jadi dia rapat dengan kau. Aku tak pandai, aku tak cantik, aku tak pandai menari. Kau masuk group menari dengan Atiqah, Fatin, Atul semua. Hihi, kita siap pernah gaduh lagi. Sampai kena berdiri kat tengah tengah dataran tempat aku selalu main kejar kejar sampai jatuh dan lutut aku luka, kain sekolah aku koyak. Sebab kau comel, tu sebab Sir Nazri pilih kau. Haziq, waktu tu banyak tolong aku. Dia dengan Nazlin yang selalu dengan aku. Kau ingat tak kau bagi birthday card kat aku, warna putih, ada beruang pegang bunga putih. Kau siap cakap, "Lepas ni, kalau nak tengok barang aku, cakap dulu tau?" Aku terharu. Lama aku simpan kad tu, tapi sekarang dah hilang waktu kemas barang nak pindah haritu. Mungkin aku salah letak. Sains kau dapat A, 80. Sama macam Haziq, aku ingat lagi. Kau dapat hadiah dari Teacher Zamariana. Aku cemburu. Aku usaha lebih. Kali kedua ada ujian, aku pun dapat hadiah.

Darjah  5, aku pindah. Aku pindah Negeri Sembilan, lepas tu terus tak jumpa kau. Tiba tiba, waktu Form 2, pindah Kluang, ayah kata, Uncle Samad duduk rumah belakang tu. Aku seronok. Tak sangka, walau jauh macam mana pun kita pergi, lepas tu mesti jumpa balik. Kau sekolah STK, sekolah budak pandai dan budak sombong. Aku sekolah kat T6, sekolah baru. Hari minggu kita selalu jumpa. Akhir tahun tingkatan 2, kita belajar sama-sama. Aku selalu pergi rumah kau. Aku ingat lagi, kau pernah nangis sebab kena tangkap bagi jawapn kat kawan kau waktu paper Science. Lepas tu kau nangis nangis. Bila aku tanya kenapa, lagi kau menangis. Lepas tu, ada kawan kau tu asyik telefon je.Aku angkat, aku cakap, "Hello, Niza cakap dia dah tidur.". Haha. Sepatutnya aku cakap, Niza dah tidur. Tapi terkantoikan pula. Haha. Waktu form 3 pun kita selalu study sama-sama. Kau selalu pergi rumah aku, aku selalu lepak rumah kau. Haha.

Aku suka macam ni. Kita dah macam adik beradik. Aku kenal semua family members dalam family kau. Kau pun. Kau banyak tau pasal aku. Aku pun, Insyaallah banyak tau pasal kau. Aku suka bila kau ada masalah dan kau cerita kat aku dan nangis. Aku rasa dihargai. Aku tak rasa dipinggirkan macam waktu Darjah 3. Haha.

Kau dah dewasa. Dah 18. Aku harap kau makin matang, selari dengan usia kau. Aku doakan Allah bagi kau rezeki yang melimpah ruah, keputusan pepepriksaan yang cemerlang. Aku doakan, kau selalu bahagia supaya aku selalu boleh tengok kau senyum dan lesung pipit londeh kau tu terkeluar. Aku sayang kau walaupun aku ni sangat membosankan dan tak cool macam kawan kawan kau yang lain.


Gambar ihsan; Facebook

Friday, 21 October 2011

MPI0201A In Memory

In the name of Allah the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate.

This is a post I would to dedicate to my former classmates of MPI0201A. Let's just I had the coolest time of my life with all of you; people of MPI0201A.

  • No one is as strict as Abdul Aziz bin Shaharuddin.
  • No one looks as cool as Abdullah Humaidi bin Mohd Khirrudin.
  • No one is as cute as Ahmad Aminuddin bin Soopar.
  • No one is as hot as Ahmad Faridudin Burhan Abadi bin Abdullah.
  • No one is as silent as Aina Farhana binti Rohaimi.
  • No one is as nonchalant as Ajeerah binti Mohd Russlan.
  • No one is as sleepyhead as Ajmal Najiyah binti Mohd Zakki.
  • No one is as beautiful as Amira Aliah binti Abdul Ghani.
  • No one is as funny as Haslina binti Hassan.
  • No one is as obsessed of K-pop as Hirzawati Atikah binti Mohd Tahir.
  • No one is as a good teacher as Khairunnisa binti Sabu.
  • No one is as pretty as Mirrah Diyana binti Maznun.
  • No one could play guitar as good as Mirza Farhana binti Le Romzee, though.
  • No one is as extraordinaire in photo editing as Mohamad Hakimi bin Abdul Jamai.
  • No one is as loud and talkative as Mohamad Naqiuddin bin Mohd Noor.
  • No one is as nonchalant yet serious as Mohamad Safwat Ashahri bin Mohd Salim.
  • No one is as friendly as Mohamed Aiman bin Mohamed Azami.
  • No one is as photogenic as Muhammad Arif bin Mohd Norkulis.
  • No one is as Gleek as Muhammad Asyraf bin Shuib.
  • No one is as sensitive as Muhammad Fariz bin Pugal.
  • No one is as committed as Muhammad Farriz bin Aziz.
  • No one is as patriotic as Muhammad Syafiq Farhan Boo bin Omar Boo.
  • No one is as brutal as Nor Khalidah binti Hassan. 
  • No one is as thorough as Nur Hannah Yee binti Osman Yee.
  • No one is as petite and slim as Nur Hazmira binti Ahmad Zamri.
  • No one is as obsessed of Justin Bieber as Nur Izzati binti Abd. Rahman.
  • No one is as good in financial and saving as Nur Syafiqah binti Sezale.
  • No one is as soft-hearted as Nur Syuhada binti Hamdan.
  • No one is as obsessed of Angry Bird as Nuradriana binti Azman.
  • No one is as know so much about everything as Rafaad bin Roslan.
  • No one is as a good friend and listener as Suffian bin Zainan.

This Is For You

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate

I would like to dedicate this post to my classmate, my debate-mate and my friend. This is for you Asyraf Shuib (:

Asyraf is a guy with thousands words. He never learns to be silent for a long time when people ask him. He is a guy who remains silent only when he is thinking. He has quite a nasty mouth and yet whatever come out form it is all truth. Yeah, truth bites and that is why some people are not in good state with him. But, as long as he never pick a fight with me, I am fine with him.

Asyraf is someone who could make you as if you are ten feet tall and feel like as if you just get reprimanded by your parents. He is very good in terms of speaking because he could actually influence people by just talk. Even I sometimes doubt that whether what he said is a joke or reality.

He is a good friend. He could be a crying shoulder. He could be nasty towards people who are being prejudice and have stigma towards him. But, overall, he is okay. He has quite a good reputation among Asasian of TESL. He is quite a good adviser. Could be a good companion, Insyaallah.

He knows what he does wrong and he would quickly finds ways to solve the problems he came up with. But, overall, still, he is okay. A good friend, a good son, a good and hardworking student.

I would to wish you Happy 18th Birthday. May Allah bless you for eternal. May Allah give you lots and lots of happy returns. I wish you live in happy and prosperous life. Thank you for being my friend for the past 6 months, I guess. May Allah grant all your wish (:

Asyraf Glee
Birthday Boy (:
Source from: Facebook

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Day 25; WHO AM I?

  • His daie
  • My mum and dad's daughter
  • A very cerewet aunt to my nieces and nephew
  • A very talkative and unpredictable friend
  • A lazy student of Asasi TESL
Day 26; A photo of where I want to go

Source from HERE

Of course I want to go to Mecca to form Hajj. But, in the nearest time, I wish I could go to Sabah. I want to see by myself and feel the super-clear water, white sandy beach and tonnes and tonnes of aquatic and marine life.

Day 27; What kind of person attracts you

A person could be a friend, a companion, a husband, a daughter, or anything. A person that attracts me to be his/ her friend is when he/ she could actually be my crying shoulder. This might sound cliche, conservative and orthodox or anything. I'm game. And, I am still sticking to my point here. It is hard to find friend who would be with you through your ups and downs. There are some, but it is a very very rare species. Hihi. Besides, a person who attracts me to be his/ her friend could be someone who could tell me what I do wrong, and could lead me to do good things. 

Well, that's it. I already mentioned about the characteristics of man of my dream before. 

Day 28; In this month,what have you learned

I learned to cook. I learn to speak in English fluently. I learn to be a good friend. I learn to be patient. I learn to His daie. I learn to be a good daughter and sister. I learn to handle stress and manage anger. And so much more....

Day 29; Something you could never get tired of doing

Reading. That's the one.

Day 30; A photograph of yourself today+three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

I don't know why, but I really love this picture. I capture it myself. But, I am not yet an expert. Still in the process of learning, though. Hihi

Three good things in the past 30 days ++?

First, I discovered that I am not a bad cook myself. I could actually cook as long as I measure the ingredients with right proportions, everything would be fine. -,-

Second, I learned that it is not easy for you to forget someone after you said you like him. I happened to experience this for the last 30 days ++. In fact, I am still feeling it now. It is hard for me to just forget, you know. Even though people change, weather change, time change, everything change, I wonder if this feeling would change *chewah, gedik*
You know what, you hurt me a lot. But I don't mind. Because I know, this is all trials, just trials from Him to see whether or not I am strong.

Third, I learned that to be a home-maker, a housewife and a mother is not simple. After I took care my nephew and nieces for 2 weeks, well, it is not easy I tell you. It is very exhaustive. I wonder how my mother could still survive until today. Two thumbs up for all the mothers in this world! Jyeah! 

I ♥ Mom!

Monday, 17 October 2011

Day 23; 15 Facts About Me

My real name is Munierah Ainaa Mukhtar. But I do not fancy the idea of people calling me Munierah. So, my friends would either call me Ainaa, Emme/ M or Mun. 

I don't like coffee. The aroma is delicious. But the taste is not as delicious as the aroma. 
And, I prefer tea better compared to other beverage.

I like citrus fruits very much. I love oranges, mangoes and lemons. 
The taste is kinda like an agent that triggers me to be more active and talkative. Hihi

I don't like to approach strangers to make new friends. But when people approach me, I could be friendly and talkative in no time.

I am quite outspoken in speaking up my mind. And, some people thought I was being rude. I am very sorry if you were once harassed by my outspoken attitude. I didn't mean it that way, actually. Teehee

I don't like biscuits and crackers much actually.

I prefer breads compared to cakes.

I love cooking but most of the dishes are not eatable. 
In other word, a complete failure.
#Well, not really. I am learning to cook right now. So, I guess, I do pretty good so far.

I am very enthusiastic and dramatic when I am telling stories. My hand gestures could actually hurt people when I am telling stories.

Sometimes, I could be very heartless and emotionless. And, I actually like it.

I don't like the colour pink. No, I hate it, so far. Because, I think the colour only suits for those who are feminists and I am definitely one of them. Besides, I think when I am wearing pink, it actually makes my cred and reputation crumble to pieces. Literally and figuratively.
*No offence to all pink's die-hard fans

I am quite vicious and brutal. I have bad reputation about hurting, smacking and slapping my classmates when I was in primary and secondary school. My mouth are quite rude, too. Now, I am the process of controlling these and having crash course about anger management.

Even though I am brutal and quite tomboyish, I love and adore kids very really much. I love them very much. And one of the main reasons why I want to get married early is because I want my own babies and kids. Hihi

I don't like egg yolk and I rarely eat vegetable. I only eat both of these only when I am in the mood.

I rarely have stage fright when doing presentation in class, but I am afraid of talking in thousands or hundreds of crowds and spectators.

I think when guys wear baju melayu look sexier and more handsome compared to those who wear shirts.

I am obnoxious, childish and silly when I am talking.

I never acknowledge the way I act or talk unless people tell me so.

I am the die-hard-fan of reading.

I am a nerd, but I love bullying my friends.

I am an ego-maniac

# And, that's is all about me. There's more, but I am too lazy to type it. Hihi

A Letter to Someone Who Hurts Me Recently

This post is included in 30 Days Challenge.

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate.

This is a letter to this anonymous who hurts me recently. But, it is okay. I already forgive for everything you did. Human makes mistakes. So, I am too, human, makes mistakes for letting myself being hurt by you.

Dear Anonymous,
You are a very good-hearted person. You are a well-mannered with good reputation person and everybody has no issue with you. And, with that, I made a mistake. I have heard you recited the Quran twice and those are enough for me to fall head over heels towards you. I seen you wearing Baju Melayu and it melts my heart. Yes, I fall for you because of your soothing voice when you read the love letter compilation sent by Allah through Gabriel to our prophet; Muhammad.

You might think this is weird enough. But, you need to know that, a person falls for another person just because of stupid, silly and out-of-mind reasons. You know, I am not looking for a partner that would lasts for couple years. No. I am looking for a partner that would be with me through my ups and downs, and I promise myself, insyaallah, that I would do the same for my partner too. A partner that would be my side in al-Jannah.

But, I was wrong. 

You are not the one.

And the truth makes me feel down, devastated and crumbled to pieces, literally.

But, it is not 100% your fault. It is my fault, for liking you in the first place. So, I am sorry. But, I am hurt. Because you were not serious about all of this. Guess that 18 is too young to think about all this, I guess.

I just wish you have a good life in the future, insyaallah.
If you are mine, thank Allah. Even if you are not mine, He might have a greater plan for me in the future (:
Don't worry, I am strong enough now.

Munierah Ainaa Mukhtar

# Insyaallah, I will stop liking you if you think that is the best for both of us (:

Continuation of 30 Days Challenge II

Day 20-The meaning behind your blog name

korochan18. Korochan is the name I give to my nephew; Zhariff Luqman Zamri. Well, it's actually a nickname. But no one call him that. Even I seldom calls him that. it's kind of like a dedication for him because I love him very much even though he's just my niece and he will cried out loud whenever I give him a bear-tight hug. The numbers' combination of 18 only indicates the age I started blogging. Hihi. That's it (:

Day 21-A photo of something that makes you happy

Numero Uno: My family (:
Even looking at it makes me happy.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Day 18-5 things that irritate ME about opposite/same sex

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate

There are many things that triggers my irritation towards the opposite sex. Here are the top five of them;

1. Body odour
Admit it guys. You sweat a lot and you do have body odour. Especially during the afternoon class.

2. Thrash-talker
Do you think you are cool enough to thrash-talk and curse people? Think again! Hard. It's not cool dude. People hate it. I hate it.

3. Bajet handsome
Haha. Tak perlu. Even if you are handsome, people would not even look at you man.

4. Procrastinating
Hah! Why do you have to take such a long time to meet for group discussion? Or meeting? Or anything? >.<

5. Talks about sex openly
This is rude, outrageous and uncool! :B

Continuation of 30 Days Challenge :B

Day 13-A picture of your favourite band or artist
A picture would be corrected. Pictures of my favourite band or artist could be seen in Google Images *if you have the time and space to google it. 
Well, my favourite bands are Paramore, Muse and The Ready Set. That's just it. Their musics kinda like speak to me. The songs are cool. But, right now I am currently addicted to Dawud Wharnsby Ali's songs. The artist I fancies the most so far are;

Robert Thomas Pattinson :B

Source from:

Daniel Jacob Radcliffe :b

Source from:

Day 14-A tv show you're currently addicted to

I don't have any specific tv show that I am currently addicted to because I haven't watch tv for like what, 3 months. But, I am long addicted to House, CSI: Miami, CSI: Las Vegas, CSI: New York. Besides, I am also addicted to iCarly, Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, Victorious and Big Time Rush. 

Day 15-Something you dont leave the house without

I always make sure I bring my wallet and enough money to spend on things. I don't use handbag because I don't need them (:

Day 16-A picture of someone who inspires you

Lotsa people inspire me. And, I think there would be too much pictures here. SO, I will just give out names. People who inspire me would definitely be Muhammad SAW; our prophet, my mom and dad and some friends.

Day 17-How you hope you're future be like

I am hoping to have my Master at the age of 25, can ah? Haha. Then, I am going to proceed to PhD. ~Berangan >.<
Other than that; here and here (:

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Aliya K >>>>> This is for you (:

Day 4: My favourite photograph of my best friends.
Assalamualaikum. In the name of Allah. I have a lot of photograph and memorable pictures of my best friends. Well, among of them, these are the two pictures that are memorable the most, for me.

# But that doesn't mean the people who are not in the pictures are not my best friends. They are, too. Hee,

Day 5: A picture of something I want to do before I die

Source from:

I wish I could get married before I die. I want to share something with my future husband. Dear husband-to-be, please, do accept me the way I am. Insyaallah, I will try to improve in order to be a better wife, a better ummi for our children. Insyaallah, I will love you. 

Source from:

I want to have my own kids. Lots of em. Because I loves kids very much, and I really adores them. They teach me to be patient and I learn that to be a parent is not easy and I wonder how my mom and dad could raise my siblings and I without any failure. Ma dan Ayah, salute!

Source from:

Well, everyone wants this too. Me too. I want to go for umrah and hajj. I want to cry in front of Kaabah. I want this so bad. Allah, please grant my prayers.

I want to be a good daughter, a good sister, a good granddaughter. 

Day 6-A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet

I had pets before. Cats actually. But, I discovered that I actually has allergic reactions towards the cat fur. So, I decided that I don't want cat as pet. But, I want this gecko lizard. Buy me one, can you? Hihi

Source from:

Day 7-Your dream wedding

My dream wedding, I want it to be very simple. I don't want pleamin and all that. Tak nak make up tebal tebal, nanti mak andam cukur kening semua. A big NO NO. I want my wedding to be under the moonlight and nearby the sea coast. Sebab banyak bintang. And I want to hold my husband's hand while I'm watching the glimmering stars.

Day 8-A song to match your mood
Outlandish. Because the songs are all soothing. I'm currently addicted to Outlandish and Soldiers of Allah. Why do they have to be so cool? Haisyyy '==

Day 9-A photo of the item you last purchased
I purchased a novel by Sophie Kinsella entitled The Undomestic Goddess. Tapi terlalu malas untuk capture gambar (:

Day 10-A photo of your favourite place to eat
I don't mind to eat anywhere because in the end I won't finished up my dish.

Day 11-Whats in your makeup bag
I don't do make-ups, so I don't have makeup bag.

Day 12-Your current relationship,if single discuss how single life is
I am single. I think it is okay, because I have Allah to accompany me all the way. Then, insyaAllah He will give me the perfect companion for me that would bring me to heaven. Insyaallah.